- Everywhere
- 歌手:坂本真绫
- 语种:日语
- 时间:2010年03月
- 公司:JVC Entertainment
坂本真綾(1980年3 月31日-),日本女声优、歌手。爱称Maaya,血型A型,兴趣是唱歌、观剧、读书。东京都出身。从小学就开始为外国电影配音的工作。15嵗时,被音乐制作人菅野洋子发掘,真正地开始了音乐活动。坂本真綾在音乐以外的领域也具有丰富多彩的才能,广泛活跃在舞臺表演、电臺主持、电视节目主持等领域,被称为“才女”,她是现在日本乐坛少数的实力派之一。
2003 年3月,签约JVC Entertainment Networks(原Victor音乐出版)至2007年,同一年转入フォーチュレスト。东洋大学社会学部毕业。父亲是舞台照明家坂本义美。
Super High Material CD(SHM-CD)。过去の名曲の数々が最高の音质で苏る!
(通常のCDプレーヤーでも再生が可能です。) シングル全18枚、アルバム全10枚の中から、
As both singer and seiyuu, Maaya Sakamoto proves that she could perform miracles with her voice. Debutting as Hitomi from Escaflowne when she was fifteen years old, Sakamoto has moved on to act a vast amount of roles, from the sweet, ladylike Aerith fron FFVII to the boyish Ciel in Kuroshitsuji.
Everywhere is her first best album. Favourite hits from her singles and albums are collected together to form this twin disc package. Theme songs such as Yakusoku wa iranai and Platina, insert songs such as Pocketto wo karanishite and collaborations with Yoko Kanno such as 30 minute night flight are all included here.
See how much the singer has grown over the years and how her style has changed, yet retained the clear, clean quality of her voice.