All The Lost Souls
- All The Lost Souls
- 歌手:James Blunt
- 语种:英语
- 时间:2007年09月
- 公司:Atlantic Records
2005年的英国乐坛里,出现了一位充满传奇性的音乐人,和一张专辑及一首单曲。这位今年在英国乐坛,让大家惊艳不已的歌手就是上尉诗人James Blunt,和他的英国冠军专辑《Back to Bedlam》及冠军单曲《You are Beautiful》。截至目前为止James Blunt的专辑已经蝉连英国金榜专辑榜冠军5周,同时也在单曲上蝉连4周冠军,因此更创下专辑及单曲双榜连续冠军4周的纪录。
在如此辉煌的音乐成绩之下,这个低调的歌手,却有着如小说里人物般的传奇色彩。James Blunt,出生在军人家庭,从英国布里斯托大学毕业后,在推出这张经典专辑之前,他加入军队并一路升到上尉,担任过英国女王亲卫队,也曾被派驻到德国科索沃目睹血腥内战,并成为第一个派遣到普利斯提纳的英国军官,领导三万人的和平部队。在白天,James Blunt是带领3万人和平部队的军官,但每到夜里,他总是会爬上他的坦克车,在宁静的夜空下,拿着吉他写下这张专辑里的歌曲。
得益于You're Beautiful这首单曲的巨大感染力,首张专辑Back to Bedlam全球狂卖1100万张他本人更是获得格莱美五项提名和两项全英音乐奖,新人有此成绩实在令人佩服.而今年,他即将带着这张全新大碟All the Lost Soul强势回归专辑以70年代的录音方式制作,力图营造复古美感,10首歌彼此都有一定的关联性,讲述了一个故事。
全新专辑《All The Lost Souls》(失落的灵魂)是詹姆仕与他一起巡回2年半的乐队以现场表演的方式录制完成的,并采取70年代录音方式营造出一种复古的感觉。专辑中收录的十首歌曲包括:《1973》、《I Really Want You》、《Same Mistake》和《Annie》……等,这些歌曲彼此间都有着关联性,讲述着完整的一个故事,新专辑将会于9月中旬发行。把新歌取名《1973》,的确很有70年代的精神,但詹姆仕并不急着透露歌曲命名的原因,旨在让歌迷先一听为快这首充满放克乐风的轻快新作品。
James Blunt's family have served in one kind of army or another since 995A.D.A long line of warriors. Savages really. Not a musical bone in any one of their bodies. The only music he heard growing up was Happy Birthday?and silent Night? His father considered all music, even classical, to be unnecessary noise. Although James was not one to rock the family boat, he didn't really think he was going to join the army ?it sort of crept up on him. Plus his family didn't have a boat.
Aged fourteen he just held the teenage conviction that he would have an interesting life ?maybe that's why he picked the guitar? Then again, maybe if he hadn't, he would have tripped over it. He went to University and studied Aerospace Manufacturing Engineering and Sociology, spending most lectures asleep on the floor at the back.
In much the same way, he ended up in the army. In essence, one day he was sleeping off a hangover at the back of a sociology lecture hall and the next thing he knew he was in Kosovo with a gun and a guitar strapped to the side of a tank, wondering who he could possibly sleep with to get out of this war. To break up the super attenuated monotony, James would sometimes stroll through Serb villages wearing an East German cap singing, still we are saying is give peace a chance? We were peace-keepers at that point,?he explained,shrugging helplessly.
So how did the music get into him, you might ask? Well if you were sent to boarding school aged seven, studied Engineering by mistake (He thought we were going to fly planes, but we just pulled metals apart ?the brochure was very misleading.?, joined the army by default, guarded The Queen, buried The Queen Mother and pranced around London like a tit for Japanese tourists to photograph, what you've going to want to do very much after that, besides getting stoned and laid, is put your gun down, pick up a guitar and make an album in America with Linda Perry.
So James came to Los Angeles in September 2003 to record with Tom Rothrock et al. At night he go to bars, bringing with him his valuable British accent (in the U.K., too posh for some people ? in LA, the best thing she heard all night) and the fact that like 50 Cent he's been shot at numerous times, but unlike the Cent, had dodged the bullets. One song, Goodbye My Lover? was recorded in his landladies?bathroom (he was a frequenter of mental hospitals and in general, a freak ? but pleasant? where, naturally, she kept a piano.
From birth in a military hospital in Tidworth, to Harrow School, to Aerospace Manufacturing Engineering, to the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, to The Household Cavalry, to Kosovo, to Buckingham Palace, to a recording studio in Los Angeles. How did James get from there to here? Only James Blunt hairdresser knows for certain, and either he isn't talking or James cuts his own hair, and it's up to you to join the dots ?there are ten of them on the album.