Chrome Dreams II
- Chrome Dreams II
- 歌手:Neil Young
- 语种:英语
- 时间:2007月10月
- 公司:Reprise
10月16日,加拿大民谣老将尼尔·杨(Neil Young)将通过Reprise厂牌发行他的最新录音室专辑《Chrome Dreams II》。据悉,新专辑的名字是由Neil Young 30年前未发行的一张录音室专辑《Chrome Dreams》得来。《Chrome Dreams II》共收录了10首歌曲,其中有三首是此前未发行的歌曲,而剩下的七首歌是最近全新创作的。据称,本张专辑中有两首歌曲的长度分别达到了13分钟和18 分30秒。
在疯马乐队(Crazy Horse)鼓手拉尔夫·莫里纳(Ralph Molina)和著名吉他手本·凯斯(Ben Keith)的帮助之下,Neil Young很快就完成了《Chrome Dreams II》整张专辑的录制。上周,Neil Young只为Reprise公司的几位内部人员表演了新专辑中的歌曲。有关这张专辑,我们唯一知道名字的一首歌是《Ordinary People》,而在另外一首歌中,为Neil Young伴唱的童声合唱团就是在上张专辑《Living With War》的《America The Beautiful》中出现的那个合唱团。据Neil Young的发言人称,为了宣传这张专辑,Neil Young将在10月13日左右开始举办他的又一次北美巡演。
1977年,已经录制好的《Chrome Dreams》专辑最终并未面世,但原定收录其中的一些歌曲随着此后专辑的发行都成了Neil Young的经典作品,这其中包括《Pocahontas》、《Sedan Delivery》、《Powderfinger》、《Look Out for My Love》和《Like a Hurricane》。
据Neil Young的官方网站中的消息称,“有关当年那张专辑(《Chrome Dreams》)所有的档案都在1978年初烧毁尼尔家的那场大火中丢失。”9月9日,新一届的“农场援助”(Farm Aid)将在纽约的Randall's Island举行,届时,Neil Young有望演唱部分新专辑中的歌曲。
新专辑即将出世的消息固然让Neil Young的歌迷兴奋,但Young的不少铁杆歌迷更加关心的是他的那套“Archives”(8CD+3DVD)套装专辑。Neil Young曾向歌迷们许诺“Archives”套装在2007年内一定会上市,但就目前的情况来看,这套万众瞩目的作品的发行日期很有可能会再次推迟。
Thirty years after shelving Chrome Dreams, Neil Young has taken to his official Web site to announce plans to release a new album entitled Chrome Dreams II. The forthcoming album — which was previewed for Reprise Records last week and is due October 16th — contains ten songs, three of which were previously written.
Two of the tracks are epics, clocking in at 18:30 and 13:00. Young’s current backing band on the record includes Crazy Horse drummer Ralph Molina, bassist Rick Rosas and pedal steel guitarist Ben Keith. The Blue Note Horns are on one track and a children’s choir is on another. Young will launch a North American tour to support the album that kicks off around October 13th.
After the original Chrome Dreams was put aside, many of the songs appeared on subsequent Young albums, such as “Like a Hurricane,” “Powderfinger,” “Sedan Delivery” and “Pocahontas.” What does this mean for the twenty-years-in-the-making Archives: Volume 1 box set, due out February 14th, 2008? “This doesn’t push the box set back, according to [Neil Young’s manager] Elliott Roberts,” a spokesperson for Young says. “But don’t make me sign a blood oath on that one.”